Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dating Beautiful Women - Tips on How to Become the Kind of Guy That Attractive Women Want

Have you ever closed your eyes and wondered what it would be like to date beautiful women, the kind of women that most guys only dream about dating?

Chances are, you probably have. And just as soon as you opened your eyes, you had to deal with the reality that dating beautiful women is probably not going to happen. You start to talk yourself out of the chances of this ever happening and close yourself off to the possibility that you can discover techniques that will make attractive women want to date you.

Well, you need to open back up to the idea that you CAN date gorgeous women if that is what you really desire. The thing is, you have to condition yourself to really see what it is that women want, and HOW you can become that guy that they are looking for.

Here are some tips on dating beautiful women that will help YOU become the kind of guy that gorgeous women want to go out with:

1. Don't spend all night telling her just how pretty she is.

If you want to make her see you as being the kind of guy that she wants to date, you have to come across as being GENUINE. Well, as nice as it might sound to tell her that you think she is good looking, if you do it too much, then you remove the appearance of it being genuine. Give her a compliment on her looks once and then move on. And make sure that she deserves it, so that it appears to be normal and not you just trying too hard to win her approval.

2. Picture yourself dating good looking women and BELIEVE that it can be your reality.

You have to really be able to hold the belief that you can date and attract beautiful women. See, if there is a part of you that assumes that you don't deserve a woman like that, then how are you going to end up acting around one? Probably like a man that is desperate for her attention. And you will also probably come across as being nervous and afraid that you will somehow lose her affection. That is not a good thing.

3. Discover how to create sexual attraction with her.

When you know how to trigger the feeling of sexual attraction in a woman, then it really does not matter so much who you are and what you look like. All she will know is that she gets a GOOD feeling when she is around you, a feeling that she would like to have more of, and you are the one that makes her feel that way. And that is how you will really start to attract and date beautiful women, no matter what job you have, what you look like or any other perceived barriers.

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